Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Rachael!

Today Rachael is 10 1/2 years old! We ran errands this morning and will swim in the afternoon. I had told Ethan he could buy another Beta fish since his other one named Buttercup died in January. Today I took a side trip to the fish aisle and had Ethan pick one. His is the blueish one and he has named her Pumpkin. Rachael was eyeing another one and tried to get Ethan to pick that one. Our tank should be big enough for two girls so we bought Rachael a fish for her 1/2 birthday. She is still figuring out a name because she originally came up with the name Sea Pumpkin but Ethan took Pumpkin.

" Pumpkin"

"Rachael's Fish" (thinking of Stripes or Ziggy but it is a girl)

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