Friday, July 17, 2009

Furlough Friday

Today was the second of three unpaid furlough days Allen must take every month as a California State Worker. Did Allen lay around in the pool all day? No. Did he pull out his Blackberry and work? No, but it would not have surprised me. Instead we cleaned the garage. Too bad it was 104 today! Rachael and Ethan were kept busy bringing us water to drink. We persevered and got the job done. Whew! Tomorrow we will lay around the pool and relax with his mother, father and sister who are on their way up for a visit. Yesterday the kids and I had our teeth cleaned. :) Both Ethan and I have cavities. :( I have one and we saw five on Ethan's baby teeth! We have been watching one that was too tiny to do anything with for awhile and now it looks ready to fill. Rachael is still cavity free. Oh the fun things we do on summer vacation. I have been making Ethan keep a journal this summer to improve his writing skills. He calls it "momwork" instead of "homework" but seems to be enjoying it even if he will not admit it. I should post some of his stuff. Today's heading was "Rachael is Mean" but everything he wrote was about all the things they do together (eat breakfast, swim, play...). He went back and changed it to "Rachael is Nice". We have four more weeks so we will see what else he chooses to write about.

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