Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hanging out by the pool.

Miles and Katie hanging out by the pool. It was around 104 degrees today! The pool is a refreshing 84 degrees. Rachael played at a friends house and got to eat dinner with them. Ethan played at a friends house for a couple hours then went to Costco with me. Ethan is really liking the frozen spinach ravioli from Costco. He eats them plain without the seasoning on it. He went swimming with Allen when he got home from work.
We are very happy Rachael is feeling better than Monday. I left a message with the doctor's office Monday night saying if she was not feeling better I would be bringing her by. They called today to make sure she is not still nauseated because they had not heard from me again. Nice customer service.
Today is our friend Jack's 3rd Birthday! Happy Birthday Jack!

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