Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Petrified Forest and Painted Desert

Behind the Visitor's Center is a short hike through some of the petrified wood. This area was once a swampy forest with very tall trees and dinosaurs. Hard to believe on this hot day...

Picture taken along the scenic route through the Petrified Forest. We have twenty or thirty pictures of this area. I will post more at another time. They all kind of look alike...

This is from a scenic viewpoint looking at the Painted Desert. Truly beautiful. I forgot to mention early that the Meteor Crater had flying ants. Some of the Painted Desert viewpoints had the flying ants too. As long as we calmly took our pictures and did not bother the mounds we were okay. The huge crows were funny too. They would stand on the side of the hill and watch us.

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