Tuesday, September 7, 2010

From Painted Forest to Monument Valley

The funny thing about this photo is that we are camping, yet still watching a cowboy movie on the laptop while eating dinner. We brought many DVD's and only watched three of them. Me forgetting them in our Vegas motel room is a story for later...

This is on the road that was washed out.

We hit more rain as we drove from the Painted Desert to Monument Valley. We noticed a roadwork sign and the traffic was stopped. We waited, waited and waited. After thirty minutes we saw someone on an ATV coming from the other direction. We asked him how long the hold up would be. He said it would be awhile as the road is washed out. There was a sign a little up the road warning of flash floods... When we turned around to take another route we could see a large portion of the road ahead was a flowing river. Good thing we had maps in the car and was able to find another route.

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