Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend over already?

I can't believe it was this morning that we got up early and had a garage sale. It has been a good weekend. Ethan's friend came over and spent the night. I really like the picture above with Allen, Rachael and Ethan walking along with our friend who learned how to ride a bike this weekend. Still a bit wobbly, but he was riding without anyone holding onto him. I think a little more practice on Ethan's bigger bike will be all he needs. We had a little excitement with the power out for 45 minutes Saturday. We got our camping lantern and flashlights out just in case it was still out when it got dark but it was back on just in time. We swam a lot and sold a lot of misc. things to people who will use them. Tonight the kids took showers and laid out their clothes for tomorrow. I baked cookies for their first day back at school and made Ethan pumpkin muffins for breakfast.

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