Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Second Day...

Why did I have more "homework" the first day of school than the kids? Permission slips for library cards, computer use, p.e., and Emergency Contact forms for both kids. Whew! I have writers cramp. They have had two good days of school. Part of Rachael's homework today is called Liar, Liar. She is to write five statements with one of them being a lie. She is to read them to the class tomorrow and then the class votes as to which one is the lie. Here are her five statements:
  1. My brother Ethan was on a Rivercat's poster advertising in the stadium for two years.
  2. My Dad's 5th grade teacher who used to live in L.A. now lives in Elk Grove.
  3. My brother cut his own hair with safety scissors and wore a hat to hide it in pre-school.
  4. My soccer teams' name is The Comets.
  5. I rode in my Grandpa's '35 Ford that has been in my mom's family since 1935.

Rachael ended up changing #4 to: I went up to the top of the Space Needle and ate at their yummy restaurant. She will wear her Seattle t-shirt to school to "help" out with her "lie". We saw the Space Needle but did not go up to the top. Therefore we did not eat at the restaurant. Though she did chew a piece of gum while looking at it.

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