Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today Ethan's 2nd trimester project is due. He was to choose an animal or creature and design a habitat (diorama) in which it can camouflage itself. Did you know the fawn has about 300 white dots on its back the size of a quarter? When it curls up under a tree the dots look like sunlight filtering through the leaves and even an eagle has trouble seeing it. It also does not have a scent for it's first week of life. They can run up to 35 mph (that is faster than a car on the 101 during rush hour!!!). :) This afternoon I will go back to the school and video tape him doing his presentation. We found out it is hard to paint cotton balls and are proud of the work he did on his project. He read several books on the deer and fawn before writing down the facts he is going to share with his class. Way to go Ethan!!

1 comment:

Tim Dustrude said...

Cool project! Good job Ethan!