Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday was a busy day!

Friday Ethan's class walked to the community pool to swim. They ate their lunch in the shade of the trees then had a great time on the two story slide and high dive board. In the meantime Rachael's class had a "movie" day. She saw a double feature with a pizza lunch as intermission. I think she saw The Princess and the Frog and Monster 's Inc (Shaggy Dog was the other feature). Then we headed over to our friends the Bernales for a bbq shabbat dinner before heading to the Drive-In to see Toy Story 3. Rachael's friend Julia's family met up with us at the Drive-In and fun was had by all.

The girls were messing up Ethan's hair for a picture on their DSi's...

Some of the boys eating lunch.

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