Monday, March 8, 2010

Whooo Hoooo!

The kids are "off-track" for the rest of March. Friday was our first day off and by noon Rachael was complaining, "I'm bored". Funny because at 3:30 she was at piano lessons, 4:30 Safeway selling Girl Scout Cookies then at 6:30 pm watching the Alice movie with our friend Neola. She spoke too soon! Ethan had piano then Cub Scouts. At Cub Scouts they learned how to make an airplane out of just popsicle sticks. He has been making planes all weekend! Saturday we went to the local Farmer's Market and bought strawberries from Ventura. I laugh at that one... (how local is Ventura to Sacramento?). Sunday the normal Religious School and Girl Scouts Meeting. We have a fun week planned with play dates and hope to go bike riding. Might get the house clean somewhere in there.

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