Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rachael's Slumber Party!

Rachael had a "Halloween in January Slumber Party" for her 11th birthday. We pulled out the Halloween decorations and prepared for a fun night. Allen told the girls about a boy who stole Halloween candy from little kids... He was hit by a car and died just this morning. A friend who works at the hospital let us have a few of his parts for tonight's party. They are in the garage... One by one the blindfolded girls felt the skull (frozen soup bone), brain (cauliflower with catsup on it), eyeballs (large grapes in applesauce), heart (squishy orange in jello) and the guts (spaghetti with sauce). Then un-blindfolded to see what they were really feeling. They had a GREAT time! We also ate pizza, watched Nightmare Before Christmas, made stuff with shrinky dinks and listened to music. Not your normal birthday party in January. I have to say Rachael is a great kid with good friends!

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