Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally Arrived!

Rachael has been waiting a full week. Anxiously waiting. Having trouble sleeping at night. No, it wasn't the last day of school. Her American Girl Doll, Rebecca Rubin a Historical Character Doll has arrived! Rachael has thought about getting another doll, but then felt Ali her current AG doll (a "just like you doll") would not be played with as much,... but this is a special doll that celebrates Shabbat, Hanukkah and other Jewish Holidays (1914 Russian-Jewish girl growing up in New York City, she has a six book series about her life that we bought with the doll). Rachael really wanted it. We told her a week ago that we would make up the difference she was short to buy the doll. She ran up the stairs yelling, "Ali, Ali, I have great news!". Too cute. Now that she has the doll I would post pictures of her with it, but they went to a slumber party tonight. It will have to wait until tomorrow. I will be posting a lot the next week. We have a piano recital, Father's Day, and many last week of school activities.

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