Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Market Day

Today the 4th grade classes at Rachael's school had "Market Day". They were given play money based on grades, attendance, homework... They could then be just a "buyer" or sell something at the market to make more fake money to buy with. Rachael and her friend sold shrinky dinks, cookies, cookbooks and art that they made. I was subbing but when my kids went to recess I had a chance to go and bum some play money off a teacher. I only had fifteen minutes so it was a quick shopping spree. I bought a few cookies from several different sellers, chips and guacamole, a book and pokemon cards for Ethan, a friendship bracelet and a small salad (Cameron sold cookbooks last market day so this time he decided to sell an item from the cookbook). I also paid to guess how many m&m's were in the jar ( I was way off!). The kids had fun, learned about business (partner or not, what sells, pricing, supply and demand...) and were able to buy some fun things. The kids in my class when I picked them up from the playground thought "it was so not fair" that I got to go shopping during recess. Oh well. They are in 3rd grade and need to wait one more year. I know Rachael will miss this activity next school year. Tomorrow is the last day of the trimester and we go off-track. We will be off until April! I actually like year-round school.

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