Monday, December 22, 2008

The first night of Chanukah

Sunday evening was the first night of Chanukah. Jewish people celebrate winning a war against Antiochus to regain their religious freedom. The story says that when Maccabees reclaimed the Temple there was only enough oil to burn for one night. A great miracle happened in Israel and the oil lasted for 8 nights. We light our menorahs to remember this miracle. Each night we add a candle, hence why there is only one (one main candle and the shamas, the candle we use to light the others) on the first night. Our friend Neola came over tonight to help celebrate the first night with us.

1 comment:

SigalTchelet said...

I am just looking through your blog and I realize, the kids are lighting the Alef Bet Block menorah that one of them made in Pre K! Way cool!