Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday night

Friday night we brought Ethan to the Sacramento City Cemetery for the Posting of the Colors. The Cub/Boy Scouts assist in placing flags on all of the grave sites of Veterans. This is our second year doing it and feel it is an important part of Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately someone hit Allen while he was driving to meet us there. Thankfully he is okay, but missed the event.

Busy Weekend

A week ago on Friday night we went to the school carnival. The kids had a great time playing games and hanging out with their friends. I should have taken pictures! This Friday both kids received STAR Awards at their school assemblies. The theme for award was honesty. Great job kids!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cub Scout Bridging

Ethan receiving his new hat and kerchief.

Ethan "bridged" from Bears to Webelos tonight. He earned the Bear patch last month but this month is the official ceremony to name him a Webelos. He is looking forward to all of the neat things he will be doing the next year with the Cub Scouts.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Rachael does have a hairline fracture in her wrist. We got a regular cast on this morning. She had a choice of hot pink, purple or clear (white). I will post a picture next week what it looks like after going camping for the weekend and having her friends sign it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's Day Allen and the kids made me a wonderful breakfast. Ethan made me a frame with his picture. I received the new darts that I requested too. Yaaa Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Open House

Tonight was Open House at the kids' school. It was nice seeing all of the projects they have been working on since August. We appreciate the work the teachers do to get ready for Open House. I am impressed with how much art is still incorporated into the projects. Both Ethan and Rachael enjoy most of the projects and definitely have learned a lot.
Ethan wrote a letter to us. In the letter he thanks me for the good meals I make. He thanks Allen for "giving birth to" him. I think we need to have another talk with him.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Soccer Injury...

Rachael has a possible navicular fracture (wrist fracture). She will be in the splint for 1 - 2 weeks then another x-ray will be taken. If they see healing then she will be put in a hard cast for 6 - 8 weeks. If there is no change it was just a sprain and she should be healed. The scaphoid bone is hard to see on the x-ray but if it was fractured you would be able to see the healing.