Thursday, April 29, 2010

National Elementary Honor Society

Tonight we went to the National Elementary Honor Society Induction Ceremony. Rachael was an Inductee and Ethan presented the flag with his Cub Scout Pack for the ceremony. We are very proud of both of them.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Space Station

We took pictures of the Space Station moving over our house this morning! It was viewable for four minutes! Very neat!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Tonight we went for a walk with Katie then played a good game of darts. The kids love the game and did pretty good. Mo and Grandpa came on Wednesday and have been hanging out with us. This weekend we have a soccer game and want to shop at the local Farmers Market. Lots of fun things to do and the weather is beautiful!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

USS Pampanito

Ethan and Josh

Allen and Ethan spent the night with the Cub Scouts on the USS Pampanito docked in San Francisco. They took around 146 pictures within 12 hours and they slept for maybe six of those hours. As I sort through the pictures we will post more. They had a great time!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Take that you pokey artichoke!

Ethan helped me make dinner after doing his homework and playing in the rain . Here he is "getting revenge" on the artichoke that poked him at the grocery store. He liked cooking the artichokes but not eating them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April already!!

We have had a busy couple weeks since our last birthday post. Eight nights of Passover which I just posted about. We have had Cub Scout meetings, Girl Scout meetings, piano lessons, indoor soccer games, early mornings at school and a garage sale too! On Friday Allen went to school with the kids for their Watch DOG program (Dads on Guard, I think). He spent the day helping out and spending time with the kids at school. I even packed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Rachael's Troop picked the SPCA for their Bronze Award project. Now we are getting ready for another busy week.


So Passover has come and gone but not forgotten. A week of matzah, matzah, matzah to remember our plight out of slavery. This year Rachael was able to read some of the Hebrew for the Seder and Ethan is getting the hang of the four questions. Now we move on and count the Omer, the 49 days until the next holiday of Shavuot when the Torah was given on Mount Sinai. There is never a lack of holidays!