Thursday, February 25, 2010

So far this week...

This week Rachael went on a field trip to the Discovery Museum in Sacramento. She came home talking about the constellations and astronauts. She wants to go back soon. Today we went to the school basketball games after school. The girls lost by one basket and the boys won by one basket. Two exciting games. Way to go Eagles!
Quote of the week: Ethan said "Mom! I can unlock and lock the bathroom door with my feet!" Don't ask.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Today Miles turns 13 years old.
Happy Birthday!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday BSA!

Making the cake mix and baking it.

The final product.

The Cub Scouts annual Blue and Gold dinner is having a cake raffle. Only the Cubs Scouts and either dad/brothers/grandfathers/uncles... could work on the cakes. Allen and Ethan's turned out really good! Ethan is a "Bear" this year so the gummy bears worked out well.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Today Rachael gave her State Report Speech in class. Her teacher has been known to pull a prank or two on the kids so I conspired with him. I gave him a banana and told him that Rachael has been using one as a pointer at home while practicing her speech. When it was her turn he offered her the pointer then asked if she would prefer to use the banana... She took the banana and proceeded with her speech on Mississippi.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pine Wood Derby!

1st place for the Bear Category!

Josh and Ethan hanging out and watching their cars race.

Even Racholly came to cheer their brother's on.
(Rachael + Holly = Racholly)

It was an exciting day. Ethan's car took first place when racing against two other cars but we were not sure how he ranked against the others. Our Troop has a metal track and computer to record each car's time. In the end we found out Ethan's car was the fast in the Bear ranking. Ethan's car is now in the custody of Pack 255 and will be brought to the District Pine Wood Derby competition in March. Great job Allen and Ethan on a fast car!

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's my birthday!

I almost forgot to post today. Rachael composed a piano piece and played it for me this morning. She also made me a doll out of a toilet paper roll. Ethan gave me the In-N-Out free hamburger voucher he won at the school assembly this week (good behavior gets your name in a bag and they draw names). The Benson's greeted me at school with a birthday sign/card. Thank you to all for the birthday calls and gifts. The sun was shining and it was a great day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Career Day at School

Today is Career Day at school. Ethan is an International Secret Agent. Rachael is a Professional Soccer Player, Artist, and Pirate (I think I listed them all, I will have to check with her later today).