Thursday, April 30, 2009

A days work as a Cub Scout.

Ethan performed the flag ceremony for the National Elementary Honor Society Inagural Induction Ceremony at our school. Here he is waiting to lead the sixth graders in.

Another Cub Scout led the 5th graders in the opposite door. They came down the aisle and up on the stage together with the flags. They sat through the ceremony then led the group out leading with the flags. Just doing his civic duty.


Yummy aphids!
The ladybugs are getting a feast on our flowers.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mitzvah Day

Today was Mitzvah Day at our Temple. A mitzvah is a "good deed". My second grade class baked cookies for the Mustard Seed School and Wellspring. The Mustard Seed School is a place for homeless children to go to school. The forth and fifth grade classes made 600 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Loaves and Fishes! Families donated fruit and chips as well as the bread, peanut butter and jelly to make the sandwiches. Nice to see kids that normally do not make their own lunch making lunch for the hungry. Allen donated blood and reached his first gallon mark! Between the Creek Cleanup and Mitzvah Day at the Temple we had a busy weekend.

Creek Cleanup Day

Saturday was "Creek Cleanup Day" in Elk Grove. Many people showed up to pick up the junk that litters our creeks. The top picture is of an eagle that lives near the creek that is by our house. I see this bird at least twice a week usually perched on the street light next to the park. It is really neat watching it glide and swoop down into the fields. In the other picture Ethan is pointing out the Poppies that grow in the area. An insect decided it wanted to live on Ethan (tick) and came home with us. We decided to evict the tick and keep Ethan.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Art Impact Day at Laguna Creek High School

Art Impact Day at Laguna Creek High School.

Ethan jumping for the cameras while visiting the photography class.

Rachael showing off her artwork.

Both Rachael and Ethan visited Laguna Creek High for Art Impact Day. They painted, saw many pieces of different art (ceramic and drawings), heard a French Horn, listened to a piano piece being played, saw several girls do their flag routine, visited choir, learned part of a dance routine, checked out the dark room, wowed by the control room in the theatre, and the list goes on. It was a great for the elementary school kids to see what is offered and spark some interest.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chinese Fortune Cookie

Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.

Marshmallow Dinosaur

Ethan went to a Pack meeting last night for Cub Scouts. The Dens had to build a marshmallow dinosaur with tiny marshmallows and toothpicks. They had a sample dinosaur in the middle of the table to model it after. I think more marshmallows were eaten than used for the dinosaur.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Congratulations Cody!

We are proud of our nephew Cody who will be graduating from High School in May. He was on the track team and also races at Irwindale Speedway (trucks and cars). NASCAR Super Stocks 2009 Season Points Standings he is in 6th place.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Passover comes to an end.

I found this on Cake Wrecks blogspot and thought it was funny considering Passover ends tonight. A cake for Passover. Moses parting the Red Sea.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Electric Circuits Exam ~ 4th grade

Rachael wrote in 5 questions regarding electricity then wrote the answers randomly on the other side. She then ran foil covered with electrical tape from the question to the answer on another sheet of heavy paper, then stapled the two together lining them up. Then attached the battery and wiring with the light bulb. If she did it right, when you put one wire on the question and the other wire on the correct answer the light bulb will turn on. This was part of her science test on Electric Circuits. Pretty neat!

Rachael ~ 2006

This picture was taken 2006. I really like this picture of her. She has not watched or worn Dora the Explorer in years! How fast they grow up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nutter Butter

Today Ethan tried to convince me that Nutter Butter Cookies are actually "peanut butter and crackers which are good for you"... I pointed out on the package it says "Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies". But he stressed that they say "Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies, so there". Uhhh NO! :) Needless to say I will not be packing a bunch of Nutter Butter cookies in place of his "sandwich" in his lunch at school tomorrow. Good try though.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Passover!

Enjoying matzah with melted chocolate and toffee spread on top.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time to smell the roses.

I went outside and snapped a few pictures of the roses before the rain started. We have had a few weeks of sunny warm weather in the upper 70's. It is nice to have it raining again. You can't complain when the high is in the low 60's and low in the upper 40's.


Miles was sleeping so I thought I would snap a picture of him, but he woke up... and yawned. I had a blurry picture of him yawning, but most people looking at it did not know what the picture was of, so I took it off.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Last weekend,

We had a busy weekend but forgot to bring the camera with us! Friday night Ethan's Cub Scout Den made volcano's! Sunday Rachael's Girl Scout Troop made tacos and brownies at a local park. The girls were learning camp food safety in preparation for their weekend camping trip. The Thin Mint Brownies were delicious! The kids are back to school today! They have been home off-track for 4 weeks. Now we are getting ready for Passover. Where is the afikomen?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring is here.

Spring 2009
2nd Grade

Spring 2009
4th Grade