Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pinewood Derby!

Ethan got 6th place out of the 18 cars racing in the Wolf Group. They race your car three times, once in each of the three lanes. Your three race times are then averaged. In his three races his car "Blue Thunder" won one and came in second twice. It was fun watching the cars go down the track! There is a picture of one of my favorite cars, the Hot Dog... This was our first Pinewood Derby and Ethan did great!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Tonight Ethan made a wise retreat and high-tailed it to his friend Josh's house. Rachael had several of her friends over to spend the night and celebrate her birthday. Rachael doesn't like cake and had cookies with ice-cream instead. The cupcake in the middle is just to hold the candles... We had a fun night!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Rachael!

Today is Rachael's Birthday. She was born on 1/21/99 at 12:16 am. She was 21 inches long and weighed 9 lbs 7 ounces at birth. Now ten years later she is almost 55 inches tall! Happy Birthday sweetheart! We love you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good Morning!

To bad it isn't "Crazy Hair Day" at school. Ethan would have it down without doing anything. :) Of course Rachael and Katie always look beautiful in the morning.

Happy Birthday Holly!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blue Thunder 2009

Ta Da! Announcing "Blue Thunder" Ethan's Pinewood Derby car for 2009. The competition is on January 31st. We will post how it does soon after.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What a weekend!

It has been one busy weekend! Friday Ethan's Cub Scout Den came over to our house for their meeting. We had seven boys here doing scouting stuff. Rachael escaped the boys and went to see a movie with her friend (her mom and little brother as well).
Saturday morning we woke up to a chilly 60 degree house. Our heater was not working. Thankfully the guy was able to come out and had it fixed by 11:15 am. In the morning Allen took Ethan to finish getting their car ready for the Pinewood Derby. I will post a picture soon. Saturday night Rachael went to one of her best friends' slumber party. In exchange we picked up her little brother who is one of Ethan's best friends who spent the night with us.
Unfortunately the 60 degree house was too much for Ethan's Beta fish Buttercup. He was dead before we woke up in the morning. Today we did a short ceremony for him and he is now swimming in a larger bowl.
Happy Birthday Rich!
Sorry we missed your birthday party.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What the dogs do while we are not at home...

I should have bought bread while I was at the grocery store. I came home and the dogs decided to help themselves. They opened the drawer we keep the bread in and ate a whole loaf of bread that I took out of the freezer this morning and the ends of another loaf! They are now in "time-out" in the backyard! No wonder they did not come greet me when I came in the door. They knew they were in trouble.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Katie says "Hi"


Rachael's Webkinz

Rachael has gone Webkinz crazy. Here she was posing her Webkinz for a picture she used on her Birthday Invitation. She spent 20 minutes taking different pictures of them.
(that is a panda, sea otter, duck, snowman and dog)

December 29, 2008 ~ Build A Bear

I forgot to post this. Rachael really wanted to spend some of her gift money at Build A Bear. Ethan was there for Rachael until he saw the Black Bear. He picked, stuffed, put a heart inside and bought Blackie with some of his gift money. Here he is using the "dryer bath" on his bear and own hair...
(Rachael bought a cute white bear, put the heart inside, but skipped the air bath.)