Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is a little early. Not even 7 pm on
December 31, 2008. Yet here I am saying...
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and
successful year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The last night.

The last candle has burned down. The last of the gifts have been opened. There is still chocolate gelt and wrapping paper scattered about. Chanukah may be almost over but the reason we celebrate it lives on. I told the kids Chanukah is important because if the Maccabees did not win years ago, our lives now would be different. I explained that our actions now shape the future. Ethan thought more about recycling and our environment which was not where I was going with the conversation with them, but it was good so I went with it. Rachael then related it to being kind to others and standing up for what you believe in. Happy Holidays to everyone!

Another tooth came out!

Ethan lost another baby tooth this week! The upper left next to his front tooth. Now he has matching gaps on either side of his two front teeth.

5th and 6th nights of Chanukah

Aunt Julie, Sabba and Bubbe visited us for a few days. Here they are lighting the Chanukah candles with Ethan and Rachael. On the sixth night of Chanukah I hide clues for the kids to work together and figure out where their gift was. The last clue was hinting if turned on their gift would be warm... (They looked in the fireplace, oven, dishwasher then finally where their gifts were, inside the clothes dryer). They now want all of their gifts hidden with clues.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 25th

Bubbe, Sabba, and Aunt Julie are visiting us for a few days. Here are pictures of Sabba, Ethan, Miles and Katie enjoying the sunshine.

December 23rd, Rachael's Star Award

Rachael received a "Star Award" at school today. The theme for the month was something about a positive attitude. That's our girl :) The awards were presented at an assembly during school by a "guest presenter". It was also "pajama day" so she did not forget to get dressed that morning...

2nd Night of Chanukah ~ December 22nd

Here is a picture of the kids lighting the menorah on the second night of Chanukah. They are so serious and carefully with the candles. The third night of Chanukah we tested out a new video camera which we had technical difficulties with (it was a deal to good to be true). We had friends over and a fun evening, but no pictures... Oy!

Monday, December 22, 2008

The first night of Chanukah

Sunday evening was the first night of Chanukah. Jewish people celebrate winning a war against Antiochus to regain their religious freedom. The story says that when Maccabees reclaimed the Temple there was only enough oil to burn for one night. A great miracle happened in Israel and the oil lasted for 8 nights. We light our menorahs to remember this miracle. Each night we add a candle, hence why there is only one (one main candle and the shamas, the candle we use to light the others) on the first night. Our friend Neola came over tonight to help celebrate the first night with us.


Here is Rachael in her American Girl pajamas that match Allie's pj's. She also received the Webkinz Sea Otter she named Wonanee (girl with big eyes from Island of the Blue Dolphins).

Ethan and his Chanukah Gifts

Ethan received the Bakugan game and the Webkinz Bat for the first night of Chanukah. I don't think I have seen him this excited in a long time. He was jumping up and down with a huge smile on his face.

Sunday December 21, 2008

Ethan sanded and then painted his

pinewood derby car during the day.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chanukah Party

Chanukah starts tomorrow night, but tonight was our first party to celebrate the holiday. The kids played dreidel, ate latkes, found gelt (chocolate coins) and decorated cookies. The first cookie is Ethan's. The second cookie is Rachael's.

The third picture is Ethan's reaction to Rachael 's cookie! Thank You to the Richardson Family for having us over! We had a great time!

Getting ready for the Pinewood Derby

From a block of wood they designed and cut out the shape of Ethan's Pinewood Derby car for Cub Scouts this afternoon. This is Ethan's first car and it is neat seeing the process. Stay tuned as I document the next step... sanding and painting.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gingerbread House decorated by Rachael

Today in Rachael's class they decorated Gingerbread Houses. Rachael "snowed in" her house hence the big glob blocking the door. After I uploaded the picture I realized it is an oxymoron to have a gingerbread house on a Hanukkah tablecloth.
Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 8, 2008

December 7, 2008 Piano Recital

Rachael and Ethan had their piano recital on Sunday.

12-5-08 A busy Friday night

Friday night Allen took Ethan to his Cub Scout meeting. They worked with tools and made some mystery gift for the moms. At the same time I was with 100 Girl Scouts at a Toys for Tots event. Boys with wood tools or screaming girls... I think Allen got the better deal :) (The Girls Scout event was fun and they did collect a lot of toys for children who would not otherwise be receiving anything this season).

12/2/2008 Ethan and his toys

I realized it had been awhile since I last posted and have some catching up to do. The other night Ethan thought it was fun to stick the suction cup part of a toy to his forehead. It took 4 days for the one inch "hickey" looking circle to go away. I tried to take a picture here, but it he got really mad at me. I pinky promised not to take another picture of him. I did not say anything about posting it to the blog... below is his sister laughing at him in the car that morning I was trying to take the picture.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun Outdoors while the sun was shining.

While I worked in the garage Sunday the kids got out the skateboards and had some fun in the sun.

Rachael was sad because she accidentally scratched her favorite doll. Ethan was telling her it would be "okay".

Rachael being a good "mom" to her doll Alexis. She licked her finger and cleaned off her face :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cowboy Ethan from March 2006

Here are some of the other pictures from Ethan's Cowboy series...

What a difference 6 months make!

I saw this picture from Ethan's birthday this year. I was surprised to see how many baby teeth he still had! If you scroll down to earlier this month you will see he has his two front teeth in and many more missing. The Tooth Fairy sure knows where our house is. :)

Pictures from the past...

Rachael the day after she received "Alexis" her American Girl Doll for her Birthday January 2007.

This picture of Ethan is from March 2006. He did a whole skit about a crazy eyed cowboy...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Farewell to Cookie our beloved cat

Cookie our cat

February 14, 1990 ~ November 20, 2008

This morning we helped our almost 19 year old cat move on to a better place where he will now be able to jump and play. As of yesterday he was unable to use his hind legs and stopped eating. Cookie who has aways loved children was a good pet to Rachael and Ethan. We will miss him.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yesterday morning I saw this morning glory flower
sticking out between the rocks basking in the sun.
A sign of summer lingering into the Fall.
Made me smile so I took a picture.

Sunday November 16, 2008

Sunday was a busy day! Religious School, eat lunch in car as we go to Rachael's soccer game (make-up game from a rainy day) then to "I Made It" to meet up with her Girl Scout Troop and earn her ceramic patch! Here she is working on her masterpiece.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ethan had his last soccer game and his party today. Rachael's team won 4 - 0!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tonight Ethan's Cub Scout Den completed "Feats of Skill". They tossed balls, performed forward and backward rolls, walked a balance beam (plank of wood), elephant walked and more! As usual a fun filled night of boy stuff and snack.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We took pictures today at Rachael's soccer game. She did some good head shots with the ball during warm ups. That is mud on her face :).

It has been a long day.